
Wrapping up the year with a bang!

  SourceCode's Greg Mondshein Named PR Council's Next Board Member

Lessons from DMSUSA17

  Digital Media Strategies answers what's keeping digital media executives awake at night

7 ways to guarantee you lose the pitch

  Paying attention to these seven factors will help you and your colleagues win more, land better clients, and build better relationships.

Avoid the scary fate of these brands...

  Stranger Things? A roundup of the most spine-chilling PR horror stories of 2017

Bringing Humanity Back to Brand Marketing

  These six brands are leading the way when it comes to bringing humanity back into marketing

How to start a PR agency...

  How to start a PR agency: ’Hey Becky, want to start a new agency?,' I asked. 'Yep, let's do it.’ Done. And so the master plan was set in motion. Over a drink (or two. You know it's always two) in a dingy bar in downtown San Francisco. After a…