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Fintech & Financial Services

Our team knows our payment rails from our KYC, and we understand why that’s important to your audience, too. Our deep experience in the financial industry spans both legacy markets and new frontiers, encompassing payment solutions, banking apps, digital currency, enterprise platforms for financial institutions, and more. We keep an unblinking eye on this fast-moving space, tracking new trends with equal measures of excitement, discernment, and analytical savvy to help you cut through the noise. 

We wanted a PR agency that would help us stand out in a noisy industry, and we picked SourceCode because of the team’s in-depth knowledge of the tech landscape and ability to craft compelling narratives that elevate our brand. They’re committed to creating a comprehensive PR program that aligns with our business goals and drives long-term success.

Sarah Hunter-Lascoskie
Marketing Content Manager, AuthenticID

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