How I Got Here: Top 2 Things SourceCoders Learned From Their Careers
By Kayleigh Jones, Account Director

As I’ve interacted with new people, navigated new situations and grown into new roles throughout my career, I’ve learned a handful of incredibly valuable lessons along the way. From those experiences, here are two things I’ve vowed to do every day.

1. Don’t Expect Perfection.
This was a hard pill for me to swallow (at first). If something I wrote came back with a lot of edits or I said the wrong thing on a call, it would ruin my whole day – but we all make mistakes. In fact, I’ve made mistakes in every job I’ve ever had. Rather than expecting perfection, I’ve learned to celebrate progress. Expecting perfection is unrealistic. There will always be something I could’ve done better, but learning from it and doing better next time is the only way to grow as a person or a professional.

2. Be a Team Player.
Maybe my team mentality comes from a long history of playing soccer, but over the years I’ve realized just how important being a team player is in the professional world, too. No matter what your experience level is or what your job description says, don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty. Businesses rely on a team of people to succeed, and sometimes that means rolling up your sleeves and tackling things outside of your usual to-do list. When something comes up suddenly or needs to be adjusted at the last minute, lend a hand in getting it through the finish line. Everyone is working towards a common goal, and being a team player sets the group up for success.

There is no universal playbook for success but the lessons learned from your experiences can help move your career forward. Sometimes, even the smallest or most unexpected lessons can be the driving factor in reaching your goals.