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Home ──── 2022 ──── SourceCode Communications Earns Honorable Mention in Ragan’s Communications Workplace Wellness Awards for SourceCode Strong Program

Back in July, we were listed as a finalist for the Ragan’s Communications Workplace Wellness Awards and today we are proud to announce we have earned an Honorable Mention under the Mental Health Initiatives category for our SourceCode Strong program. 

In an era where mental health is gaining the recognition and support it deserves, SourceCode Communications has taken a giant stride by being recognized as an Honorable Mention in Ragan’s Communications Workplace Wellness Awards under the Mental Health Initiatives category. The accolade acknowledges the outstanding efforts of the company in promoting employee mental well-being through its innovative SourceCode Strong program.

In the fall of 2021, we introduced the SourceCode Strong program to demonstrate our commitment to holistic well-being. This initiative signifies that working at SourceCode is not just about accomplishing professional goals but also about living a more self-aware and balanced life. The program encompasses a wide range of benefits and resources designed to support our employees’ physical, mental, and emotional well-being.