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Home ──── 2024 ──── SourceCode Communications Earns Win and Honorable Mention at PR 2024 Daily Media Relations Awards

We are thrilled to share that SourceCode Communications and our client, Homebase, has not only earned the winning spot in the Data-Driven and Measurement category at the PR 2024 Daily Media Relations Awards but also received an Honorable Mention in the Virtual Event category. To set the stage, Homebase is the all-in-one team management app that helps more than 100,000 local small businesses manage their hourly teams. 

When we began working with Homebase for these campaigns, we were challenged on three fronts:

  • To increase brand recognition and position Homebase as the voice for small businesses in America
  • To dramatically increase the volume of coverage from an average of seven pieces per month (Q4 2022)
  • To showcase the breadth of services and depth of small business customers supported by Homebase

Main Street Health Report

For the Data-Driven and Measurement campaign, SourceCode was tasked with supporting monthly data report releases, titled the Main Street Health Report (MSHR), for Homebase. This involved working with Homebase’s team to identify the trending topics media care about surrounding small business activity and broader economic trends in any given month and pull the relevant data based on their insights for over 100,000 small businesses to better understand the sentiment of small businesses in America. From there, SourceCode helped summarize the data and conduct outreach to media with the insights, encouraging them to cover the data ahead of the release of the monthly Bureau of Labor Statistics Jobs Report (typically the first week of each month for the month prior). The July MSHR report from Homebase tapped into a timely moment surrounding the heat waves stretching across much of midwest and southwest America. From there, the team was able to leverage the MSHR data to support how these heat domes impacted small business activity within these regions.  

These were the results, including coverage:

  • 10 pieces of unique, earned coverage across top-tier publications
  • 65 total pieces of coverage syndicated across top-tier publications

Secured Coverage: 

National Small Business Week

For the Virtual Event Campaign, the team helped organize a webinar/virtual panel during National Small Business Week, moderated by CEO John Waldmann with panelists who were also customers of Homebase. These panelists represented small business owners in various industries and in regions across the country. The team invited Homebase customers, stakeholders, and media to attend the panel. In conjunction with the panel, which took place during National Small Business Week, the Homebase team also conducted a survey of small business owners in the U.S., to better understand sentiment surrounding key themes driving media coverage, which was also released in tandem with the webinar. 

The efforts during the National Small Business Week event resulted in over 161MM Earned Media Impressions, 12 unique press mentions, and an average campaign clip quality score of 63% – surpassing nearly all goals set for the campaign.

Overall, the strategy, research, and execution of both campaigns positioned Homebase as a thought leader and empathic partner for American small businesses while spotlighting the role of small businesses in their communities. The data storytelling campaign moved the needle in terms of brand perception, delivering a 10% increase in customers believing Homebase is a platform that helps them stay ahead of the curve. Very proud of our team on these projects and are so thrilled for our recognition in the PR Daily 2024 Media Relations Award.