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Embracing the Personalized Future of Enterprise Marketing

In today’s ever-evolving landscape, enterprise marketers face unique technological challenges – such as security concerns or data privacy – alongside new opportunities to reach prospective customers and grow their brands. By understanding trends like those outlined in our Global and Regional Trends Report, marketers can navigate the complexities of a ‘Never Normal’ world, adapt their strategies, and stay ahead of crucial trends shaping the future of enterprise marketing.

Adapting to a shifting digital landscape

Technology is constantly getting smarter and stronger, providing benefits throughout the entire customer journey. However, for enterprises in particular, the expansion of tech comes at a risk. Any time a new technology is unearthed, we have to assume bad actors will do bad things. We need to create safeguards against malicious behavior and embrace white hat actors (those who pretend to be a malicious threat or bad actors to uncover weaknesses).

Cybercrime costs are projected to rise from $9 trillion in 2024 to nearly $14 trillion by 2028, according to our findings. The increasing sophistication of cyber threats, including deepfake technology and artificial intelligence, underscores the need for robust cybersecurity measures. But there’s also a need for a nuanced understanding of this tech.

Take deepfakes, for example, which use artificial intelligence (AI) to create realistic but synthetic media, are a double-edged sword. While they have gained notoriety for their potential to spread misinformation and create malicious content, not all deepfakes are inherently bad. They can also be used positively in various creative and practical applications. The challenge for brands lies in leveraging the benefits of AI-generated visual content while ensuring they combat the risks associated with deepfakes.

Balancing innovation and ethics

Yet another deeply nuanced area within marketing and communications trends lies in AI. While AI continues to transform the marketing landscape and offers new opportunities for innovation and efficiency, the integration also raises ethical concerns, especially for enterprise organizations.

As AI becomes more prevalent, the potential for misuse increases. Content authenticity and factual accuracy is an ongoing concern with the emergence of AI tools. Governments and digital platforms are putting barriers in place to ensure audiences are aware of when content and information are crafted by AI, but enterprise organizations need to be particularly careful.

In general, compliance will remain a constant challenge for enterprises. Regardless of industry, governments are constantly passing new rules and regulations that require enterprises to make shifts and adapt. Some countries are stricter than others (the EU, in particular, has been very critical and cautious of AI). Companies simply have to follow mandates or risk facing penalties. As this is a growing concern, enterprise marketers should be prepared to adapt to these concerns – especially in the wake of global elections, which may further impact laws and regulations.

Navigating the global election year

Worldwide, citizens will be voting for new politicians who will shape the future of our communities and our industries. This global election year presents unique challenges for marketers with political landscapes influencing customer sentiment and behavior. Whether or not your company is involved in political discussions, brands should be aware of the changing societal climate.

It can be challenging to maintain narratives while navigating the complex and often volatile political landscape. So, what are brands supposed to do? Consider staying true to who you are as a company. Volatile, turbulent times are when marketers should rest on brand pillars, lean into your voice, and know what your company stands for. Maintaining your brand’s core values is how you stay authentic.

In recent years, many organizations sought out advice on how to react to social issues like Black Lives Matter, COVID-19, the war in Ukraine, and more. Here at SourceCode, we find ourselves giving the same advice every time: if you would speak out about these social issues without the impetus of the current event, then you should speak out now. If you wouldn’t necessarily speak out before but believe in supporting an idea, then you should do whatever is authentic and true to your brand.

You may lose customers or leads by making a statement – especially if it’s perceived as inflammatory, divisive, or partisan. But the modern day consumer expects transparency and values trust. Being truthful to your brand values and what your company represents is the best way to build a solid foundation for those customer relationships. You may face backlash either way, so you may as well be honest with yourself and your customers.

Committing to sustainability efforts

In recent years, sustainability has been a hot topic for enterprises worldwide. However, our report found that there’s a growing disconnect between corporate sustainability statements and actual actions.

Enterprise audiences have become increasingly discerning of corporate narratives, particularly around sustainability. This shift is driven by a growing awareness of environmental issues, social responsibility, and the impact of corporate actions on the planet and society. And consumers are becoming more skeptical of “greenwashing,” the act of companies making superficial or misleading claims about their environmental practices.

Enterprises are expected to provide concrete evidence of their sustainability efforts, such as data on carbon footprint reduction, waste management, and resource efficiency. There is increased scrutiny on the ethical aspects of supply chains, including labor practices, sourcing of materials, and overall impact on local communities.

All that to say, enterprises must adopt genuine sustainability efforts – not just provide lip service – to build trust and loyalty with customers.

Embracing a personalized future of enterprise marketing

60% of B2B buyers are millennials. Those younger consumers are showing a preference for tailored experiences that resonate with their unique preferences and interests. Marketers need to go beyond broad audience segmentation and create highly targeted campaigns.

The modern-day consumer wants personalized offers served directly to them. In their personal lives, they’re comfortable with their data being used to serve them relevant ads or targeted offers. While this may differ from how younger, modern consumers approach business interactions, it’s still an innate desire. Enterprise marketers may find success in simplifying their story to create a clearer, approachable through-line. You may encourage your sales or ad teams to approach buyers with more relevant, personalized messaging. When consumers feel like you’re talking directly to them – even if you’re targeting thousands of others – it can help your enterprise stand apart from the competition. These moments feel personal rather than invasive.

Enterprise marketing teams can craft their own personalized touches by focusing on meeting the needs of their customers. Go where customers are (perhaps Reddit, LinkedIn, or industry newsletters) and see what questions or problems they have. Understand your ideal customer persona and serve them the answers, insights, and information they’re seeking. Meet them on the platforms they use most – don’t force an interaction they’re less receptive to.

This all boils down to the key interest of younger generations: embracing more humanity. In an increasingly tech-filled, efficiency-obsessed world, younger generations just want innately human experiences. It may seem easier for B2C companies to speak on the human level, but at the root of all purchases, humans are just trying to solve problems in their jobs. Enterprise companies can lean into this by speaking to customer pain points, validating their concerns, and clearly explaining how your product or service can fix those issues for them. Win their hearts by showing them you can remove burdens for them.

By understanding and addressing key concerns for customers as well as leaning into emerging tech (safely), enterprise marketers can navigate the complexities of our ‘Never Normal’ world. Embracing emerging trends with strategic foresight and a commitment to authenticity will empower brands to thrive in the midst of whatever comes our way.
For more in-depth insights and to explore how your enterprise can stay ahead of marketing trends, download our full Global and Regional Trends Report here.