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Home ──── Our Work ──── Building Dataswift’s U.S. Presence Through Strategic Media Outreach

Building Dataswift’s U.S. Presence Through Strategic Media Outreach

Dataswift, a UK-based company that enables ethical, compliant and privacy-preserving data usage, came to SourceCode with the goal to focus on partnerships as a way to tell the Dataswift brand narrative in the U.S. through the city of Elyria, EMITTO and Case Western Reserve University. SourceCode was tasked with highlighting both Dataswift’s story and capabilities and highlighting executive thought leadership.


SourceCode established a PR program with a focus on proactive media outreach, executive storytelling and analyst relations. Because Dataswift was new to the US market, SourceCode had to find ways to use relevant data and executives to establish a presence. Starting the program running a consumer research study with a focus on the US government’s response to COVID-19, the goal was to launch ahead of the first presidential debate and secure relevant media coverage. With external hurdles given the newscycle including the election coverage, COVID-19 in the White House and ongoing news about the pandemic, SourceCode quickly pivoted strategy to focus on executive thought leadership and secure executive briefings with both reporters and analysts. 

Through this pivoted strategy, SourceCode focused on proactive outreach and newsjacking. With ongoing conversations happening including, antitrust hearings, contact tracing, and data privacy, SourceCode focused on two Dataswift executives to tell these stories, one with a strong point of view on antitrust and another on the ethical data economy. Through this focus, SourceCode gained momentum and media interest with reporters covering antitrust legislation and big tech. Knowing that coverage was going to be hard to secure given the news landscape, SourceCode focused on building relationships with both journalists and various analysts who focused on data privacy. SourceCode advised Dataswift on how to be thought leaders and react to trending topics as a way to engage in relevant media conversations and secure earned coverage.


7 pieces of coverage 

11 media/executive briefings 

247.2MM unique monthly visitors

Over the course of the three month project with Dataswift, SourceCode secured 11 media and analyst briefings. These executive conversations were primarily centered around antitrust and big tech following various antitrust hearings, along with the ethical data economy and data privacy with analysts in the space. This strategy generated 7 pieces of organic coverage in publications including MarketWatch, Crunchbase, ZDNet, Forbes, and Security Magazine among others with exposure to more than 247.2MM unique visitors. 

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