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Home ──── Our Work ──── Making Homebase the single source of truth for Main Street, USA

Making Homebase the single source of truth for Main Street, USA


Pieces of Coverage


Increase in Quality Coverage


Average Domain Authority of Coverage


Homebase had high ambitions to become the voice for small businesses across the US. This clear vision had not translated into coherent brand storytelling, data wasn’t being leveraged effectively and Homebase’s program felt formulaic and reactive. The result was a disenchanted and frustrated leadership team, and brand recognition that lagged far behind Homebase’s commercial success with only a handful of pieces of monthly coverage in late 2022.


In early conversations, we learned they had a wealth of near real-time data that spoke to the health, challenges and prosperity of the small biz sector as well as a very active community of customers who were happy to provide us with quantitative and qualitative insights about the challenges and opportunities they were facing on a daily basis. We mined that data to engage in trending news, positioning our passionate CEO as a champion for small businesses. During the summer, we took payroll and timesheet data from regions impacted by extreme weather and were able to correlate the negative impact of high temperatures on businesses, hourly workers and the communities they served.


Over 50 pieces of coverage as well as a citation by The World Economic Forum containing Homebase data and key messaging.

A 112% increase in quality coverage (from 26% in Q4 2022 to 55% for Q2 2023)

More than a quarter included a backlink to drive site traffic (compared to near zero in Q4 2022) and average domain authority of coverage was 72 (classed as excellent)

Significant brand uplift, including a 10% increase in customers believing in Homebase as a platform that helps them to stay ahead of the curve.

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