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Home ──── Our Work ──── Expanding Pindrop’s Brand Reach into AI and Technology News

Expanding Pindrop’s Brand Reach into AI and Technology News


Pieces of coverage


Targeted byline placed


Pindrop, a leading voice technology and security company, was looking to expand its brand reach beyond its traditional target media verticals- such as cybersecurity, call center & customer service trades – and into additional verticals focused on AI and general technology news.


Conduct outreach to media focused on Pindrop’s use of AI in its voice authentication technology, in order to increase awareness of how the company was deploying AI.

Leverage a partnership with Google Cloud to further underscore how Pindrop uses AI to help make call centers more secure.


7 pieces of coverage in 4 months focused on AI, including a placement in CNET.

1 byline drafted and placed in AIthority on the future of AI in the business sector.

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