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Home ──── Our Work ──── Elevating Teltech from their competitors

Elevating Teltech from their competitors


Pieces of Broadcast


Visibility in target DMAs


Pieces of national coverage


Elevate and differentiate Teltech from their competitors, keeping the brand in the news at a consistent cadence without any formal product updates or announcements.


SourceCode identified the opportunity for Teltech to become a go-to media expert on timely and relevant topics around consumer data and security. We worked closely with Teltech’s VP of Marketing to prepare and establish her as the company’s key spokesperson who can comment on breaking news around FCC guidelines, data and security, local security breaches, and more. To complement expert commentary, SC mined Teltech data for unique storylines and points to share with media, while continually jumping on timely breaking news and offering Teltech data and spokesperson to media as a trusted expert. We also rolled out a robust local outreach program to extend beyond national publications and ensure not just quality, but also volume of coverage at consistent cadence to cast wide net of visibility and trump the competition.


This strategy resulted in 11 pieces of local broadcast coverage over 4 months time

Teltech gained visibility in key local markets such as Chicago, Houston, and Philadelphia 

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