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Home ──── Our Work ──── Elevating Sonatype’s Executive Profiles through Strategic Media and Social Engagement

Elevating Sonatype’s Executive Profiles through Strategic Media and Social Engagement


Increase in Impressions


Media inclusions in 1st Quarter


Increase in LinkedIN followers


To elevate the executive profile of Sonatype’s thought leaders and help them stand out in a noisy industry, we needed to build genuine relationships with top tier media contacts, further establish trust and dominance as industry leaders and increase engagement on social media channels.


Through our Executive Brand Management offering, we created a bespoke program for each executive inclusive of a thought leadership audit and personal brand StoryHub, an EBM playbook and ongoing editorial calendar for thought leadership and social posts. We also operationalized content development and social media activity to ensure Sonatype’s executives were engaging with the right audiences and sharing the right messages across their media and social platforms.


13% increase in impressions, 17% increase in engagements and 10% increase in followers on LinkedIn 

Began nurturing relationships with target media via LinkedIn, resulting in more than 20 connections with key contacts

Garnered interest from CNN, Forbes, Washington Post and Newsweek for thought leadership content 

In 1 quarter, we secured 22 media inclusions in outlets like Forbes, TechRadar and Axios, 3 speaking engagements 

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