Positioning DataBank as the Leading Voice of AI Infrastructure
In view of the spike in interest in generative AI, all eyes are on the shortage of GPU chips necessary to run generative AI models. However, there needs to be adequate data center capacity to house and power the hardware powering AI workloads. The challenge is, currently, there is limited capacity for the kind of data centers that can support high-performance computing – key to running AI models. In the AI landscape, DataBank wanted to establish the importance of colocation for AI development and become synonymous with colocation. Raising DataBank’s brand awareness was a priority from the beginning of our partnership, which is why SourceCode recommended pursuing a reactive angle to enter the generative AI conversation.
SourceCode spoke with DataBank’s CEO, Raul Martynek, who provided deep insight into the situation, and from there, we then leveraged his insights to create pitch angles with various themes, including challenges in securing financing, rising infrastructure construction and maintenance costs, and labor shortages. We then conducted tailored and personalized outreach to business and tech reporters at top-tier national media with the pitch angle that would be most relevant and interesting to them.
Since we began pushing this angle, the team has secured 10 pieces of coverage on AI and data center development, including a feature in Forbes and commentary in the Wall Street Journal, as well as coverage in Network World, InfoWorld, Telecom Ramblings and Datacenter Dynamics. Our outreach has also successfully piqued the interest of reporters at top-tier national business outlets including Bloomberg and the Associated Press, allowing us to establish a working relationship with them. Such efforts have helped establish DataBank and Raul as an expert in the industry, resulting in inbound requests from outlets like TechTarget to learn more about DataBank’s data center design and technology.