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Home ──── Our Work ──── DataBank injects commentary on infrastructure and AI innovation

DataBank injects commentary on infrastructure and AI innovation


Pieces of Coverage


Inbound requests by reporters


Relationships established with key media


Following the explosion of generative AI, the team needed to inject DataBank’s commentary on infrastructure into the ongoing conversations about AI innovation to take control of an incredibly noisy narrative and lead the discussion into its next phase


Tout data centers as the engine behind AI and offer DataBank as an expert source to discuss the biggest challenge preventing AI innovation: data center capacity shortage. By adding a new layer to the AI conversation, we can position DataBank as a go-to expert on AI’s evolution, highlighting how data centers are invaluable


38 pieces of coverage in publications like the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Fortune, Forbes, WIRED, ZDNet and Yahoo! Finance

9 inbounds from reporters at ABC News, Newsweek, New York Times, Reuters WSJ and CNBC  

5 established relationships with key media contacts at the WSJ, Business Insider, Fortune, Bloomberg and The Information

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