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Home ──── Our Work ──── Inserting Legion into Timely Economic Conversations with Strategic Media Outreach

Inserting Legion into Timely Economic Conversations with Strategic Media Outreach


Continuously insert clients into timely conversations around relevant topics to their business


Knowing that the BLS report is released each month, along with other economic trends data, SourceCode identified a group of clients who could all speak to these topics from different perspectives in order to round out a more robust narrative. Given the overlap of reporters covering these topics, grouping multiple brands into one pitch increases the value to reporters and establishes SourceCode as a reputable source when experts are needed for a story. This also ensures the same media targets are not getting pitched from multiple teams on the same day and that we’re helpful in streamlining / consolidating information for media. We leverage each client’s unique data and executive expertise to provide media with complementary quantitative data as well as qualitative analysis in response to timely economic trends


Key relationships established for each client across top-tier national press and relevant trade publications

Data and thought leadership perspectives from each client included in relevant articles

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