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SourceCode Communications Launches Impact Dashboard

Impact Dashboard is an All-In-One Measurement & Reporting Tool that Transforms Data into Strategic Insights for Marketing Teams.

On the heels of the launch of SourceCode Amplify, a proprietary AI tool for maximizing earned media coverage, SourceCode has rolled out its latest product development – the SourceCode Impact Dashboard. Focused on making reporting, measurement, and analytics more streamlined and actionable, the Impact Dashboard is a comprehensive solution designed to simplify the complex landscape of marketing analytics– addressing data overload and arming brands with the right information to maximize their marketing efforts.

According to this year’s Global Comms Report, PR professionals are increasingly relying on data and analytics more than they were a year ago. However, sifting through the wealth of data that is available and extrapolating meaningful insights can be a challenge. This fact coupled with recent research showing that CMO budgets are on the decline (Gartner), comms professionals are experiencing the challenges that come with fewer resources to make sense of this data and show how marketing is impacting the business’s bottom line. Utilizing tools and technologies, like what SourceCode has created with the Impact Dashboard, allows for the meaningful analysis of data in an efficient and streamlined way. 

“In today’s data-driven world, businesses are inundated with information from various channels and have more data than could ever be analyzed, making it challenging to decipher what’s working and what isn’t,” said Kevin Dulaney,  SourceCode EVP and Head of Technology Innovation and creator of the Impact Dashboard. “Our Impact Dashboard is more than just a tool; it’s a strategic asset that enables businesses to make informed decisions, optimize budgets, and elevate their overall impact. This comprehensive solution transforms raw data and provides the key to unlocking deeper insights, fostering innovation, and staying ahead in a competitive landscape.”

Each Impact Dashboard is tailored to a client’s unique needs, business objectives, and pain points while taking into account factors such as their existing data infrastructure, competitive set, and preferred reporting formats. Once there is alignment, SourceCode creates a bespoke dashboard with customized modules that can measure impact over time across various channels and media types – from SEO to paid marketing efforts to social content, and more. By leveraging the existing marketing stack and bringing analytics into one streamlined platform, Impact Dashboard provides a full picture of marketing efforts and ensuring that every dollar spent is an investment toward achieving business goals. Further, by consolidating data from all media types into one central hub, the Impact Dashboard provides detailed, actionable insights that can be leveraged to drive measurable results. If you are interested in learning more about the Impact Dashboard and how it can help your brand streamline measurement and optimize your marketing analytics and efforts, reach out to us at